Trip Report
Beginner Sea Kayak - Tacoma Narrows
Congratulations to Robert Cooper who is now a qualified paddler! Photo credit: Jeff Evans
- Sat, Jul 10, 2021
- Beginner Sea Kayak - Tacoma Narrows
- Tacoma Narrows
- Sea Kayaking
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
TIDES: STEILACOOM: 11.7 @ 0521 / -2.1 @ 1239 / 13.9 @ 2019 TACOMA NARROWS BRIDGE: 10.9 @ 1712 /-2.1 @ 1217
CURRENTS: GIBSON PT: -2.3 @ 0942 / S @ 1311 / +3.40 @ 1618 / NARROWS SOUTH END: -4.3 @ 0917 / S@ 1248 / +5.5 @ 1546
SIGHTED: EAGLE, GBH, LOON, CANADA GEESE, CORMORANT, PORPOISE, SEAL Terry and I met at Titlow Beach at 0830 to transfer my boat/gear to his car before heading down to Steilacoom arriving approx. 0900. Parking there is now $12 a day, $20 for overnight, credit cards accepted. The boat ramp looked wider than usual and the beach different. We figured that the sand and rocks had been scraped off and dumped on to the north side recently. This caused very uneven footing as the mud was very airy and soft, causing sinking up to the knee in some places. Bob was being dropped off with his boat and gear and I called his cell about 0930 to check and he arrived about 5 minutes later. The wonderful public restrooms were available at the ferry dock. We were all ready to launch at 1000 as planned. This was a student paddle for Bob so I reviewed basic navigation and went over the route in more detail than I normally would. He had some good questions and by the time we were done with our discussion it was about 1035 when we launched. I also let Bob know that normally kayakers don’t use the boat launches with their cars. Not only do we not normally pay launch fees we don’t want to get in a power boater’s way on or off the water! No harm done as we were the only ones there today. We started out in the smooth and quiet water with the Narrows Bridge clearly visible in the distance in spite of the marine layer which would burn off by the time we reached the bridge. Along the way we discussed water movement, identifying back eddies and tiny whirlpools forming. We also discussed how to gauge paddling speed using ranges with fixed (buildings, land formations) and floating objects (bouys). After saying hello to 2 passing porpoises we hauled out for a snack break on the beach on the north end of the Chambers Bay Gold Course. After about 10 minutes we were back on track, heading out for the dying current away from the shoreside back eddy until we headed towards the north tip of Day Island. We then rounded the corner and got to ride the gentle roller coaster of some fun boat wakes before heading into what must be the ugliest marina in the Puget Sound. There is a large shoal that rises on the low tide in the middle of the passage as soon as you clear the wooden wall on the right side of the opening of Day Island. We could only get to the end of the first row of boat storage units on the left side before the greasy water came to an end. We then backed up and went round on the other side but didn’t get very far before we only had a few inches of water under us. It’s amazing that there are so many anemones on the bottom that seem to flourish in such a toxic environment. A power boat came in and went down the left side just as we were leaving the opening. Nobody needed to stop at that point so we avoided the back eddy and headed for the abandoned boat launch just outside the north end of Titlow Beach. There were few people on the shore in spite of the minus tide pool opportunities. We scattered for a bio break before our last easy approach to the bridge. It was 1245 and we had apparently just missed slack so there was a tiny flood current that we easily overcame to reach the rocky shoreline by the east bulkhead. I crossed over closer to the bulkhead with Terry and Bob eventually coming over and we surfed in the gentle current while appreciating the cool breeze in our faces under the bridge. We spent about 15 minutes or so moving back and forth before easily turning our boats and heading straight down in the rising current before swinging a left to arrive at our take out about 1330. Titlow Beach can be a nasty takeout at low tide. The pilings that can be speed bumps on the high tide were all way above our heads with lots of slippery rocks of all sizes exposed. I was glad to not see any glass on the side that we chose to land on. Good teamwork was applied to get the boats up on the already yellowed grassy area. I was able to move my car down a parking space next to the railroad track and Terry and I got our boats tied on and the car loaded. Bob’s car had been left by a family member and he was able to get the spot next to me. It was sad to see Steamer’s empty and silent. The parking lot next to them and across the street next adjacent to the rail road tracks is also closed. It was surprising how empty the waterfront was on such a beautiful sunny day. The somewhat distant restroom is now available on the far side of the park. The shower was operating. We had a post trip huddle at one of the picnic tables with no complaints and thanks exchanged after which Bob went home and Terry and I completed the shuttle to Steilacoom and a visit to The Spar for a meal afterwards. All paddlers performed well with excellent group dynamics. Congratulations to Bob Cooper who is now a qualified paddler!