Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Basic Snowshoe - Pipe Creek Trail

We had a pleasant snowshoe, mostly on roads, around the Diamond View Loop.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Good weather, good snow conditons.

Our party of nine snowshoed the Pipes Creek road system, gaining 1,200’ of elevation in 4:00 hours of travel.  The weather was uneventful during the trip and temperatures and winds were reasonable.  There was ample parking all day in the Pipes Creek Snopark.  Substantial differences in party speed caused us to separate into two groups, each with a Mountaineers snowshoe leader and 3 or more participants.  We completed the Diamond View Loop and made an additional foray to the south to a lunch spot at 4,400’ with an open view (unusual on this trip) out to the Stuart Range.