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Trip Report    

Basic Snowshoe - Lodge Lake

Snowshoeing through a snowy woods to a frozen lake, it was a winter wonderland day.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • I made a track based on the Gaia winter map layer. It was helpful but not quite right. Do this: from the  West Summit parking lot, start to the west of the last ski lift. Follow the green upward route signs, skirting the ski area to the radio towers. Stay east of the towers and continue to skirt the ski area as you head down to Beaver Lake. We were able to safely cross the outlet. Then head south on the PCT. We safely crossed two streams, but the third had collapsing snow bridges so we headed downward to Lodge Lake at that point. It was a nice spot for lunch.

No problems parking at the West Summit lot as we arrived at 8 AM. The roads were bare that day.  We knew a storm was coming in later in the day, but had no problem being back to the cars before 2 PM. It was snowing, but without rushing our pace we were well ahead of the predicted wind and heavy snow.

The snow was basic cascade concrete. One person wore microspikes the entire day, the rest kept our snowshoes on the entire time, both worked. The worst part was getting snowballs under our snowshoes on the way down. It is a rather steep climb up. Once past the resort we gained wilderness and only saw two other people. Everyone had good spirits and enjoyed the day.