Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Basic Snowshoe - Lanham Lake

An easy-to-navigate snowshoe to a pretty lake.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • There are several feet of snow on the ground so snowshoes are necessary to prevent post-holing, however, there are still lots of exposed bushes to avoid. We need MORE SNOW! There was a very hard crust layer on the top due to recent rain which made for a rather jarring trip on our joints! Definitely not the fluffy stuff at this point in the season. 

Fortunately, we didn't have to blaze our own trail as that had been done the day before. It was a pleasant trip with a fine group of Mountaineers. We even sang a few Christmas carols on the ascent, although we were a bit out of breath!

Plenty of parking at the lot outside of the nordic center and there were even two portable toilets (although they were almost completely full of waste!). Better to use the ranger station toilet if you can.