Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Basic Glacier Climb - Whitman Crest/Fryingpan Glacier

Successful straightforward trip, no concerns (other than lack of snow heading up to Meany Crest)

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Started at 6am. 13hr car-to-car, 15 miles, 5500’
  • Trail through Summerland is in excellent shape
  • Opportunities to filter water starting near Summerland, below the switchbacks, all through Summerland. Some streams further off of the "path" heading up to Meany Crest.
  • No snow at all until after Point 7573’ (except for small patches that are off the trail)
  • There is a rough, sandy trail up from Summerland to Meany Crest (gets less distinct the higher you go), but it’s hard to find. It tends to be on or near the ridge climber’s right as you look up from the shelter. If you reach the stream uphill of the shelter, you’ve gone too far.
  • Roped up at Point 7573’. A few icy patches, and a few small crevasses observed, easily avoided. Beware of rock fall from Whitman Crest onto the snow near the summit.
  • Snow was soft on top but slick, so we wore crampons all the time on snow
  • At the notch climber’s left of Whitman Crest, unroped and removed crampons
  • The route to the summit of Whitman Crest is very loose. Need to pay close attention to hand and foot placements and be attentive at all times. In a couple of places, had people travel across sections in smaller groups of 3-4.
  • Room for ~3 people on the summit