Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Basic Alpine Climb - South Early Winter Spire/South Arête

route snow free and in great condition. approach is half snow. it was a great time to do the route :>)

  • Road suitable for all vehicles

south early winter spire 6-4-2016

 2:30 car to base of climb
 8:57 climbing time(including: getting ready to climb and afterwards, putting all the climbing gear away)
 1:35 base of climb to car
13:02 car to car

to save time, mike led and put a sling and biner around tree just above the friction move, so jb and i had top ropes.
climbing route was snow free.

equipment: ice axe, helmet, harness,  70m & 60m & (2)50m ropes,
equipment brought, but not used: crampons

compare to 2015:
 2:17 car to base of climb
 7:14 climbing time(including: getting ready to climb and afterwards, putting all the climbing gear away)
 1:51 base of climb to car
11:22 car to car

compare to 2014:
 1:58 car to base of climb
 7:34 climbing time(including: getting ready to climb and afterwards, putting all the climbing gear away)
 0:57 base of climb to car
10:28 car to car

compare to 2013:
1:32 car to base of climb
6:54 climbing time(including: getting ready to climb and afterwards, putting all the climbing gear away)
0:47 base of climb to car
9:13 car to car