Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Basic Alpine Climb - North Twin Sister/West Ridge

Wonderful fall Wednesday.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles

Left the cars shortly after 7am. The bike up the road is easily navigated by taking main branches of the road that lead you closer to the bottom of the very obvious West ridge. We double checked with GPS. Stopped to don helmets around 10:20. The number of cairns on the route is a bit ridiculous: try to stay on the ridge at all times. If you cannot (or choose not to do the moves), go left or right, but beware that the climbing off the ridge is far less good, especially on the descent. At the top by 1:20. Back to the cars around 6. It rained some, but not a lot, on the way down. The rock on the ridge is so grippy that the climbing is just as secure. Having biked down the road with and without a proper mountain bike, I confess that a real mountain bike makes it far more enjoyable.