Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Basic Alpine Climb - Dragontail Peak/Colchuck Col

enjoyable conditions

  • Road suitable for all vehicles

quick and dirty route info: hike to colchuck lake and then to the top of the colchuck glacier to the col.  from the col traverse se and then ascend the broad, then narrowing, obviously gully to its top, then retreat ~50' and find a crease/gully climber's left that you can ascend class 3/4 rock to the ridge. traverse class 3 ridge ne toward dragontail summit until you can find easy access to snow and then traverse to dragontail's sse ridge. ascend class 2 rock to summit.  descent - descend sse ridge to top of dragontail glacier, then ene to aasgard pass and take the trail back.

13.74mi 5645' gain
 7:20 car to summit  (4:50 car to colchuk col)
 0:21 summit stay
 5:24 summit to car (2:53 summit to , 2:32 trail on sw side of colchuck lake to car)
13:05 car to car

equipment: helmet, crampons, ice axe, harness, #1 cam, #2 cam, 50m rope(could we have done without the rope?  absoloutely, but if it would have been different conditions, i would have wanted one)
equipment brought, but not used: 2 pickets

DSC05563-pandoras box bypass route.jpg

pandoras box by-pass route

dragontail 5-18-2019 route.JPG