Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Backpack - Pete Lake

Great trail to Pete Lake! Hiked in to the first big camp, then day hiked to Lemah Meadows. Great group and beauitful trip!

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The trail is in good condition. Very tiny snow patches that are quickly melting all the way up to the PCT junction. Very few people, probably due to the rain we got Saturday morning. From the end of Pete Lake to Lemah Meadows, there are alot of downed trees on the trail, but everything is passable. Water crossings are also doable. One section of trail on the way to Pete Lake you either have to remove shoes, or walk across 2 big trees to get across. Be prepared for mosquitos. Not too bad at Pete Lake, but really bad at Lemah Meadows. There are some wild flowers, but not many left.

Had a wonderful trip with a wonderful group to the first big campsite at Pete Lake. The weather was a little wet and gray to start, but it was refreshing. Saw a few horse riders come by who left nice stinky gifts in the middle of the trail. Watch out for those! Not too many wildflowers left. But the lake was beautiful and still. There weren't too many people for a Saturday morning and we got a nice big camp. We set up camp then day hiked to Lemah Meadows. It was a great day hike to kill some time, but the mosquitos became very pesky and almost unbearable, so we turned around. Had a lovely evening at camp by the lake, and then hiked out the next morning, right after the clouds parted and we got some sunshine and last views of the beautiful surrounding peaks!