Trip Report
Backpack - Gothic Basin
A wonderful teen backpacking trip featuring iceberg paddling
- Sun, Aug 1, 2021 — Tue, Aug 3, 2021
- Backpack - Gothic Basin
- Gothic Basin
- Backpacking
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
The trail is a class 2 scramble in places, very entertaining. It was snow free all the way to Foggy Lake. On the way up, we witnessed a giant snow tunnel collapse over the first creek, just above where the trail crosses the gully. A reminder how dangerous these can be. Note the tiny hiker on the left outcrop for scale.
We enjoyed peace and solitude on a Sunday-Tuesday trip to Gothic Basin, which almost gave the illusion of an unspoiled alpine wonderland as the weekend crowds evaporated.
We had very warm and pleasant conditions with moderate smoke, and the bugs were out despite recent reports to the contrary. The kids enjoyed messing around with the remaining ice chunks floating in Foggy Lake. Next time we should bring the pack raft!
Important note: there's an ultramodern toilet just at the entrance to the basin that seems underused. Read all about Toilet Tech's technology here:
The toilet was a long hike down from our campsite but we made every effort to visit this stunning place and do our part to rehabilitate the basin: