Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Backpack - Enchanted Valley

Great weather, lots of wildlife, snow free

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Road is suitable for all cars. Trail is snow free, easy to follow and well maintained.

Busy weekend with the holiday crowds, we got self-issued permits at the ranger station to skip the lines. Hit the trail around 1030 with a strong group of hikers. During the drive and hike we saw a bobcat, pine martin, coyote and grouse (alas, no bears). With a few long breaks we reached Enchanted Valley by 5pm along with dozens of other people. We still had no problem finding a scenic campsite for all 6 of us. The rangers were up there with paintball guns and said there was a large male bear in the area, but we did not see him. The next day took us about the same amount of time to hike out, easy trail and beautiful area!