Trip Report
Alpine Scramble - Townsend Mountain (Barclay Lake Trail)
Long day to reach a summit with some good views.
- Sun, May 19, 2019
- Alpine Scramble - Townsend Mountain (Barclay Lake Trail)
- Townsend Mountain (Barclay Lake Trail)
- Scrambling
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
Trail to Barclay Lake is in good shape. Trail/Route to Eagle Lake is marked with tape and cairns, with some blowdowns, snow about 1/3 mile from the Lake. Note, this trail has not maintained for a long time. Very little snow on the south slopes of Mt Townsend, with plenty of brush and slide alder.
After reaching Barclay Lake, we had some problems finding the Eagle Lake trail, after couple of false starts we found the trail, note it was signed toilet. From Eagle lake we work part way around the lake before heading up. This was west of the where I was planning to go up, but was trying to avoid some of the brush by staying near/in the trees. Sadly this idea did not work out as we work through slide alder and brush which consumed and lot of time and energy. Once above the brush we worked our way up the snow patches boulder fields to the ridge. At this point two members of the group decided the could not continue. After assuring that they had gear and food the rest of us follow the ridge staying right of the various points along the ridge to the summit.
Out of the brush
Looking back down ridge
After regrouping with those that stayed on the ridge, we continued down the ridge to a large out crop and head down towards the lake through the trees using as much of the snow patches as possible.