Trip Report
Alpine Scramble - Tirzah Peak
A successful scramble, even with all the smoke from the fires.
- Wed, Sep 6, 2017
- Alpine Scramble - Tirzah Peak
- Tirzah & Wallace Peaks
- Scrambling
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
The carbon river road was in good shape for bikes. The Chenuis Falls trail was in reasonability good shape with some trees down over the trail. The off trail part of the trip was mostly steep forested travel under very dry conditions.
Under smoky conditions, we biked the carbon river road to the Chenius Falls trailhead. Then crossed the Carbon River on the log bridges which the park service had in place. After a quick stop to check out the Chenius Falls we followed the trail to the park boundary about 2800'. From there with headed up hill, through the steep forest. As we got higher it became a ridge, with some rock out crops which we worked either left or right to get around. The summit is covered with trees, so the views were limited due to the trees and smoke.