
Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Three Brothers, Navaho and Freedom Peak

Great trip with multiple objectives. Advised for stronger groups which can do it in 8-9 hours round trip. Or liesurely groups to do it in 11-12 hours. Great area to take the time to tag all three.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Road in great condition. Trail to navaho peak is mostly cleared of logs, Except two of them. From the creek crossing, we took the gully to the right, instead of the trail to gain the saddle between Freedom and Navaho. From there to Navaho was mostly dirt trail and then dropped via snow to the Three brother ridge. mixed snow and dirt trail here. Back to Freedom was via meadows and snow. 

A long day with a great group and well deserved 3 summit day of Navaho peak, Three brothers and Freedom peak in the Teanaways

The ups and downs and up downs of the terrain made it harder on the body and on the knees, nevertheless a ~14 mile trip with 6k+ feet of elevation gain in 9.5 hours


We did the loop  from Navaho first, three brothers next (via the snow chute) then onwards to Freedom. Lots of snow left when we did it . One sketchy section to traverse from Three brothers onwards to Freedom. Apart from that fairly straight forward