Trip Report
Alpine Scramble - Sulphur Mountain
quick and dirty route info: drive suiattle river road to the trailhead at its end. hike sulphur mt trail(in excellent shape) to old lookout, follow ridge except where covered with boulders(traverse below boulders on south side) to summit - class 2
- Sat, Sep 16, 2017
- Alpine Scramble - Sulphur Mountain
- Sulphur Mountain
- Scrambling
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
quick and dirty route info: drive suiattle river road to the trailhead at its end. hike sulphur mt trail(in excellent shape) to old lookout, follow ridge except where covered with boulders(traverse below boulders on south side) to summit - class 2
how much elevation can a person 6 months pregnant do? obviously, at least 5665' :>)
we all started out having fun walking and chatting as we hiked the very civilized sulphur mt trail. just as i said i did not think we would see anyone else on the trail, my friends susan and charlie caught up to us. go figure. after chatting with us, they sped past. a few minutes later, i felt a little nip on my hand and i hear steph shouting quite excitedly "bees!" i got stung once, she was nailed 4 times then and once later. i marked the spot on the trail where the nest was with sticks. both rad and ian would later pay the price at different spots too. in not that long of time, we reached the lookout site. steph had planned to just hang there, but she was feeling so strong, that she continued with us. hiking at a very moderate pace really made the day quite mellow for everyone. we followed the ridge from the lookout to the summit scrambling a few short class 3 sections of boulders(which we would avoid on return by staying below the boulders on the south side of the ridge). the scrambling was all quite mellow and the summit was quite gentle. there was really no smoke on sulphur mt nor the lookout area, but there was smoke in every other direction that obstructed our views. the whole trip was quite easy going, no difficulties, except for the stings. we used a good portion of the day, spending the last 15 minutes using headlamps. because it was so chill, no one was really that tired when we reached the car, all of us with smiles. well, all except ian, who had evaded getting stung, until he was less than 5 minutes from the trailhead :>)
12.06mi 5665' gain
6:28 car to summit (including 4:01 car to lookout, 0:16 lookout break, lookout to summit 2:11 )
0:21 summit stay
4:30 summit to car (including 1:27 summit to lookout, 0:16 lookout break, 2:47 lookout to car)
11:19 car to car
water: none on the trail nor route
equipment: none
equipment brought, but not used: none