Trip Report
Alpine Scramble - Solomon Mountain
A fall scramble in the Salmon La Sac Area.
- Sat, Oct 29, 2016
- Alpine Scramble - Solomon Mountain
- Solomon Mountain
- Scrambling
- Turned Around
- Road rough but passable
The road up to scatter creek from Salmon La Sac was exceptionally pot holed. A regular car can still drive it but it would be very slow going.
We left the cars at 9am in a solid rain. After following the scatter peak trail for approximately a mile we hit the "junction" with the trail that leads to Solomon. there was a small remnant of a junction sign on a tree (no letters remained) and the branch was relatively visible. We followed this for about a mile, crossing two creeks on slippery rocks (several folks did not have dry feet after the crossings). After this the trail really turned into a phantom that occasionally appeared. there was some red flagging tape in places but it was very brushy and hard to follow overall.
About 5k' the rain turned to wet snow but by the time we reached the ridge line (12:40 pm) it had stopped. We had about 4" of firm and new snow that worked ok for kicking steps. However, we had one party member that was exceptionally slow and out of shape. I would estimate he added 1-1.5 hours to our approach to the ridge as we had to constantly wait for him to catch up.
Given the weather, the distance yet to be covered, the increasingly slower pace we were going, and the time left before turn around, we elected to head back without a summit. This looks like it would be a fairly decent scramble in the summer on a dry day. brush bashing in the rain and wet snow had the party soaked well before turn around.