Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Reynolds Peak

Overnight scramble via Williams Creek

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Good trail and snow conditions

Wonderful alternative  approach to a fun class 3+scramble.   The Williams Creek approach is longer than the usual Reynolds Creek but the camping up on the ridge with views of the route were amazing!  Trail has a few blowdowns but otherwise in good condition. Camping at Williams Lake is available but we kept going southwest up to the ridge where we camped at the saddle  between 7225 and Williams Butte (mostly snow but some good dry spots to camp, not sure if there would be water once it melts out). Great views of the route from  here.  Keep following the ridge to  the obvious  snow ramp at the saddle  west of 7225  We followed the  easy snow ramp down to a basin south east of the summit. Scrambled snow and rock then traversed  snow  to the notch  just under the summit block on the southern side of the east ridge where an easy but loose gully leads up to a final 3+ class (some exposure) rock scramble.  Bring  a hand line for those who may be nervous with exposure.  Did not find a register.