Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Putrid Pete's Peak, Web Mountain & Mount Defiance


  • Road suitable for all vehicles

defiance+putrid petes peak 6-14-2023

a little trivial snow below and west of defiance.  some snow east of defiance gave us a opportunity to do an "alternative" route over to putrid petes peak.  kind of fun.

ps - road has had recent work done - did not notice even one pothole :>)

8.69mi 4120' gain
3:23 car to defiance summit
0:30 summit stay
1:35 defiance summit to putrid petes peak summit
0:19 summit stay
2:23 summit to car
8:10 car to car

equipment: none
equipment brought, but not used: ice axe

defiance+putrid petes peak 6-14-2023 - route.JPG