Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Mount Washington (Snoqualmie, winter)

Our group braved a winter storm warning to look for the best access to scramble the NE ridge.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Some ice in parking lot, but OK for sedan. 

We looked unsuccessfully to access NE ridge from old road cut at 3040' before rejoining the snowshoe route, then leaving it to cross creek to west at 3400', rising right to old road, taking it to right (NW) to access ridge at 3540'.  Clear travel on ridge until joining usual winter route at 3880'. Returned by standard snowshoe route.
May be able to access NE ridge by leaving trail at 3200' while it is heading south, rising to right below rocky open slope to hit old road at just above 3400'.