Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Mount Stuart/Cascadian Couloir

The standard Mt Stuart Scramble route in three days.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  •  Road is fine,  a little rough at the end but there were passengers cars that made it.  There  was a boot path just opposite the campsite that leads up the hill.  General navigation was not a problem. 

We did what I understand is the  "Standard" scramble route of Mt. Stuart.   We met at the trailhead at 9:00 AM Friday, the parking lot was almost full then.  We made it to camp at Noon and spent the rest of Friday relaxing with the  Mosquitos .  We left at 5:00 AM Saturday morning, we reached the  shrinking snow field at about 9:30 AM and put on crampons.  After crossing under the false summit we saw the  real peak and the  rock we had to go through to get there.  We made the summit intact at about Noon.   After a short break we began our descent and returned to camp at about 6:00 PM.

We were up at 5:00 AM Monday and  back to the Trailhead by 9:15 AM which gave us time for breakfast in Cle Elum.   I was fortunate to have a great co-leader and great participants.  None of us had done the peak before,  so we all did a bit of route finding.  The weather was great, bright,clear and enough of a breeze so that it was not too hot.