
Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Mount Baring/Northwest Ridge

3rd time was the charm!

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Route in good shape.  Gully had 3 sections of hard snow, but thin in places so had to be careful during transition to rock.  Numerous cairns and flags above gully lead to summit, just follow what looks easiest rather than flags/cairns.

A very different trip compared to my two previous attempts (May 2016, April 2017).  A long dry stretch of weather meant the ascent to ridge was thankfully dry.

The gully had just a few sections of snow, which was  just soft enough to kick steps.  But also was very undercut near the end of the snow.  Care had to be taken on the rocky section not to kick rocks down.  

No snow beyond the col.  Great views at the summit. 

About 9 hours round trip at a moderate pace.  Brought but didn't use crampons.