Trip Report
Alpine Scramble - Mount Ararat (winter)
Very enjoyable trip mostly on trail, then very steep slopes to the summit with some route finding challenges.
- Sun, Jun 12, 2016
- Alpine Scramble - Mount Ararat
- Mount Ararat
- Scrambling
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
Kautz Creek trail is in excellent condition overall, Maintenance needed in places over 4,000'. Still large patches of snow that are quickly melting, watch for potential break-throughs.
Excellent trip. Left Kautz Creek trail about 5,230 to climb very steep snow-free open slopes directly to the ridge. Turned right and followed easiest way to a final steep slope and the summit. Large, thick snow patches along the way and on the summit, easy to negotiate. Nice views of Copper, Iron, and Pyramid Peaks. Rainier was mainly hidden, but got a sneak peak through a cloud window on the way down.
Perfect temperature, partly cloudy, no rain. Wildflowers not in full bloom, but lots of Avalanche Lillies, Indian Pipes, Buttercups, others. Big bear paw prints in the snow!
Mileage estimated at 12.5 with 4,200' el gain - more than described in the 100 Peaks book. Route finding was a bit challenging, but not too difficult. I recommend using GPS if you have it.