Trip Report
Alpine Scramble - Miller Peak
The Teanaway area is very green this May.
- Sun, May 20, 2018
- Alpine Scramble - Miller Peak
- Iron Bear & Miller Peak
- Scrambling
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
The warm weather this month meant this was a T1 scramble, with little snow remaining. We had to go a bit out of the way near the summit to get the students some ice axe practice to get snow scramble credit. However the weather was enjoyably cool with increasing views throughout the day, pleasant breezes, a nice summit stop, great camaraderie, and we all enjoyed learning new wildflowers from Bruce our resident botanist.
We chose to tag Jester 5510' first, and left the trail at 4200' on a narrow ridge between the 3rd and 2nd from last creek crossings on the USGS map. This turned out to be unexpectedly more brushy than the map suggested, passable but not recommended. From Jester we followed trail with minimal snow until leaving it to hit Miller's east ridge just before the 6000' contour. We followed the trail back to the cars, tagging Iron Bear 5489' on the way for more great views.