Trip Report
Alpine Scramble - McClellan Butte
A pleasant hike and a short (cold) scramble on a clear day with great views at the summit. Enjoyed a phenomenal sunset with Mt. Rainier soaked in beautiful colors.
- Wed, Oct 30, 2019
- Alpine Scramble - McClellan Butte
- McClellan Butte
- Scrambling
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
There is snow/ice in patches above 4k'. Microspikes not essential but recommended for efficient movement.
Summit block is completely snow free and is in perfect condition for an easy scramble to the top.
We started from the upper TH around 15:30 Hrs and maintained a steady pace reaching the base of summit block at 17:30 right in time for sunset. The last stretch of mile has snow/ice in patches where we had microspikes on to move efficiently.
Helmets on at the base and we were at the summit by 17:40 Hrs
Two confident students and two other experienced scramblers - all of us made it to the summit comfortably.
Enjoyed a phenomenal sunset (almost) with commanding views of all the WA volcanoes except MSH and headed down the block while the sun was setting on skier's right with The Queen on skier's left.
Headlamps on and we hiked back at a moderate pace . Back to cars around 19:40