Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Little Kachess Peak

Changed destination from French Cabin Mountain. This easy alternative was a very pleasant trip with limited views but a nice variety of wildflowers.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The snow is gone on the entire route to Little Kachess.  There is a tiny amount of rock scrambling; on the way to the summit, we descended very short T3 section from a false summit, but discovered on the return that even that could have been avoided.   I gave credit for a rock scramble, but I hope all the students do something more challenging this summer.  Mosquitos were terrible at the parking lot but were otherwise only occasionally annoying.

The plan was to do French Cabin Mountain; however, at the crossing of the tributary creek at about 3840', the log crossings were wet and very slick.  In better weather (and if I weren't getting over a cold) we could have waded easily enough, but there were other crossings ahead of unknown difficulty, so to be sure we reached a summit, I chose to have the group return to the path up to Kachess ridge and on to Little Kachess.   There were views down to Kachess Lake but not the mountains beyond, and there were occasionally partial views of the eastern part of the Stuart range.