Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Iron Peak

Easy early June snow and rock scramble

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Good trail, several blowdowns to go over or around, patchy snow at 4300', continuos snow 5200' until a couple hundred feet below the final steep to the pass between the peaks. This final section to the pass is a mix of scree and loose rock which we ascended diagonally to avoid having a party member in the fall line, quite steep section were we ascended. Followed ridgeline east to summit of Iron, quite thin in several locations with >40 degree snow slopes on the north side, and a no fall snow free on the south facing slope. The summit register is full, someone left an additional piece of paper to sign, currently.

    Returned same route, with a few good glissades once below the pass rock and scree.


Several participants opted to carry snowshoes, but never used them.