Trip Report
Alpine Scramble - Howard Peak & Tolmie Peak
This was a good trip for a hot day, with wide (although hazy) views and still plenty of flowers. It was mostly on trail, but included some pleasant scrambling.
- Fri, Jul 30, 2021
- Alpine Scramble - Howard Peak & Tolmie Peak
- Howard Peak & Tolmie Peak
- Scrambling
- Successful
- Road rough but passable
The Mowich Lake road is in better shape than usual, but still as dusty as ever. There were lots of people on the trail, but no one else went over to Howard. We made a bit of a loop out of the trip by leaving the Tolmie trail shortly after the last switchback where the trail first crests the ridge. We dropped into the meadow north of the ridge, then contoured around to where we could climb to the saddle between Tolmie and Howard. On the way back from Howard, we followed a steep indistinct path that intersects the trail close to the lookout. Then we went out to the true summit of Tolmie. The scrambling was all pretty straightforward.
The flower display was maybe a bit past its peak, but still glorious. Bugs were frequently annoying, but there were some nice moments when a breeze kept them away. Everyone seemed to enjoy the day, but it would have been a lot more pleasant if the temperature had been 10 or 15 degrees lower.