Trip Report
Alpine Scramble - Hidden Lake Peak
Good snow and rock leading to the North Hidden Lake Peak. By turning toward the North Peak at about 6200 ft from the main trail, there is some interesting terrain. With or without snow it is a nice route finding opportunity through blocky terrain.
- Sun, Jul 15, 2018
- Alpine Scramble - Hidden Lake Peak
- Hidden Lake Lookout & Peak
- Scrambling
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
Road and Trail are all in good shape with a crowded parking lot. Will soon be snow free up to about 6000 feet. Until then snow bridges are numerous. Snow is constant above 6000 ft.
After sweaty walk up the switchbacks, we started the traverse across the alpine slope on the mail trail. Axes in hand and just passing 6200ft we headed just shy of due East for interesting mixed terrain of snow and excellent bouldering. Last 300 feet snow free. After a 30 minute lunch on top with many photos taken, proceeded down the ridge to the pass. The ridge is one of those walks in the Cascades with amazing rock formations and plenty of relief to look at from a distance. Saw a forest fire in the distance that would eventually delay our drive to Marblemount. Team choose to head down instead of join the hordes at the Lookout. Uneventful walk out made all the easier wild flowers galore. Had time to make it to Marblemount for milkshakes until we were delayed by a flat tire. Drive home was a drag to say the least. Great team!!