Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Guye Peak/North Route

The original plan was to do Snoqualmie, but the stream crossing didn't look safe, so we retreated and did Guye instead. Snow conditions were good, but not much in the way of views.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The first stream crossing was easily crossed on snow, but this will melt out soon.  The second stream crossing between the two waterfalls was where we turned back to do Guye.  The stream was running full and the rocks were slick.   Overall, the snow was in pretty good shape.  We didn't need snowshoes or microspikes.

On a cloudy but mostly dry Memorial Day, we set out for Snoqualmie Mountain, but were turned back by high runoff at the second major stream crossing, so we made a partial retreat and did Guye Peak instead, which went fine, but there was no visibility at the summit.   Students all did well, and experienced various modes of descent including backing down, plunge stepping, and one short glissade.  We also did some self-arrest practice.