Trip Report
Alpine Scramble - Gunn Peak
A fun scramble that should be done more often.
- Sat, Aug 26, 2017
- Alpine Scramble - Gunn Peak
- Gunn Peak
- Scrambling
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
Route in excellent shape. Dusty. But better that it be dusty than wet.
Route - The summitpost sketch of the lower .5 mile is very helpful. The rest of the details we found to be unnecessary as the bootpath was always visible. Whenever we veered off into the brush, we stopped and found the actual bootpath nearby.
Ascending the bootpath beyond the old road was steep and dusty. It eventually comes to a cliff that you traverse under. At one keyspot (above the "waterfall" - there was no water today), you must carefully descend and reascend back into the brush. Once breaking out into the meadows, you generally just follow a bootpath. At the Gunn divide, you must descend 200-300' to traverse around Peak 5760. You can head for the dusty saddle or just start heading up the talus.
Ascend the talus, you are aiming for a "hidden gully" that ascend to the highest band of trees. Looks improbable from below, but it is there. Half the group climb up the right side, and half on the left in the gully. On the way down I setup a handline. After the gully you traverse and ascend to a keyhole notch between the 2 summits. The narrow ledge was relatively easy for our group. Just don't look down.
On the way back we made it a loop trip by approaching Tailgunner 5842' from the north, and reached the trail from the summit heading east. Extra 600' of elevation.
About 10.5 hours, 7 or 8 miles, 4800' elevation gain. We could have finished faster, but took extra time descending the gully, visiting Tailgunner, and eating berries.