Trip Report
Alpine Scramble - Esmeralda Peaks
Fall scramble of Esmerelda peak.
- Sat, Oct 30, 2021
- Alpine Scramble - Esmeralda Peaks
- DeRoux Creek
- Scrambling
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
teanaway road was a bit potholed in place but nothing serious. All vehicles could easily make it.
Started at De Roux trailhead at 830am. We followed the trail to the switchback with the big rock (it is indeed very big). From there we followed the GPX track on Peak Bagger from Travis Prescott on 10/31/2020. This was pretty much spot on (other then they missed the rock and had to retrace their steps back to it, it seems).
There was 3-6" of semi crusty snow starting about 5k' up. This made for a very unpleasant boulder field ascent. The summit was easy 2nd class with lots of room for the entire party to spread out. The views were exceptional.
On the descent we avoided 95% of the boulder field by staying in the trees to skiers right of the GPX track. This was far more pleasant than the ascent.
Back to the cars around 3pm.