Trip Report
Alpine Scramble - Earl Peak
Late-summer trip via Beverly Turnpike trailhead. Usually not very challenging this time of year, but intense weather conditions on this date made it a fairly challenging scramble.
- Sat, Sep 17, 2016
- Alpine Scramble - Earl Peak
- Bean Creek Basin
- Scrambling
- Successful
- Road rough but passable
Teanaway Road is washboarded. Beverly / Bean Creek Road is rutted, but passable with low clearance vehicle. Trails in good condition.
Hiked Beverly Turnpike trail, Bean Creek trail, and then trail that connects to Standup Creek, to the ridge S of Earl Peak summit. From here it is an 800' walkup a climbers trail to the summit; on a nice day at this time of year would be borderline to call it a "scramble". However on this date we had rain all day, fog, and wind gusting up to 45 mph, so use of hands was necessary to keep balance and to avoid getting knocked over / dislodging rocks on the climber's trail, so it counted as a scrambling trip for graduation purposes. Challenging conditions.