Trip Report
Alpine Scramble - DeRoux Peak
Perfect weather for this trip. Some sun began to peak out late morning.
- Sun, Oct 13, 2019
- Alpine Scramble - DeRoux Peak
- DeRoux Creek
- Scrambling
- Successful
- Road rough but passable
The Deroux Spur and M. Fork Teanaway trails are in okay shape. Evidence of recent horse and bike use, and much of the trail consists of sticky mud, but overall doable. Expect your boots, pants, and car to get very dirty.
Climbed up cross country to the ridge from the M. Fork T. trail after dropping down from the saddle - very steep. No traction device needed, but we were fully prepared for any conditions.
Summit Lizard:
M. Fork Teanaway River trail on the way down:
We left the M. Fork Teanaway River trail shortly after reaching it and did a rising traverse toward the ridgeline and summit. I decided to ascend this route not knowing how much snow or slick conditions existed on the ridge. We descended via the easier SW ridge. We had but did not use traction devices or ice axes. 7.5 hours round trip, 3,040 gain.
The road has a lot of holes and is quite washboardy. Many hunters camping along the road, none seen on the mountain. Two polite motorbikers encountered on the trail. No hikers. At lease two v-formations of migrating geese seen and heard.