Trip Report
Alpine Scramble - DeRoux Peak
an easy/moderate scramble with miles of great views
- Sat, May 28, 2016
- Alpine Scramble - DeRoux Peak
- DeRoux Creek
- Scrambling
- Successful
- Road rough but passable
trail in good condition with some downed trees once we left DeRoux Creek mainline and were heading up the switchbacks to the pass. with the previous warm weather trends in April (4) snow free until 4800' in a steep gully where the ice axes came out due to the consequences of a slip/fall. snow free again approaching the pass as the grade lessened. followed ridge from pass NW on south side, recommend staying right on the ridge which we did after some traveling along the south side just below ridgeline. encountered a mix of rock and mostly snow on ridge crest from 5600' on up. north side of ridge definitely to steep to travel on in many places.
reported washout prior to DeRoux campground/parking location easily passable, NW Forest Pass required. meadow just pass N Fork Teanaway River crossing awash in Jefferies Shooting Stars. cloudy and dry for most of day except around noon hour/summit time, sprinkles, snow, graupel. from summit continued W on ridge to next saddle to trail 1393.1 then into the headwaters of the Middle Fork Teanaway River, lost trail into continuous snow until we again found the trail to head back up to the saddle from the S, up and over to retrace our steps back down to DeRoux Creek, added a few hundred extra feet to our day and thoroughly enjoyed making a loop out of the days adventure giving everyone ample opportunity to use their map and compass skills. 2800'+ gain, apprx. 9 mi., 7+ hrs