Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Chikamin Peak & Lemah 3

Chikamin Peak fun, straight forward scramble accomplished day 1 after made camp at Glacier Lake. Lemah Mountain #3 was high end, scramble challenge, because late season snow fields were ice and more importantly, required demanding-time consuming- descent/ascent from south ridge onto snowfield traverse along eastern side of Lemah 1-3. 100 yards, 35% ice before gaining T3-T4 rock to ridge saddle and summit. Recommend steel crampons late season.Started 6:05am, returned to camp 7:40pm. Summit views are truly awesome and 2 military jets flying extra low terrain below us in valleys-across ridges was unique excitement. Super strong team members who supported each other and proactively helped with route finding all 3 days: Thank you team! Sue Shih's July 3, 2019 trip report and pictures was very helpful, but snow melt added some challenge to August 31 Lemah 3 scramble.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles