Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Bills Peak

Scrambled Bills, Mary's and Judi's Peaks.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The Beverly Creek trail is in decent shape as well as the trail up Fourth Creek to the pass at 5500 feet.  The route up Bills was a mixture of loose scree and decent rock.  And the route to Mary and Judi's was the same but in places there was a boot path.  Followed the ridge eastward south of Judi's  to where to just before it ends in a rock outcropping.  Our decent once off the ridge trended was loose scree that felt and acted like snow when plunge stepping.  Once back on the Bean Creek trail the rest was routine trail.

We had a wonderful group and made good time to the summit of Bills.  On the way up from the pass we stayed in the trees just east of the ridge.  Just before the summit was a steep gully.  Spent about 20 minutes on the summit and then headed down a route that was farther east which turned out to be less steep.  Upon returning to the pass the group was up for continuing the scramble by going up and over Mary and Judi's peaks.  We generally followed the ridges until the south end.  from there we dropped down on screen toward the east into Bean Creek Basin.