Trip Report
Alpine Scramble - Baldy & Tyler Peak
A great precipitation lull, albeit with zero views. This NE Olympics rain shadow venue delivered the dry day goods.
- Sun, Jun 12, 2022
- Alpine Scramble - Baldy & Tyler Peak
- Baldy & Tyler Peak
- Scrambling
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
The trail/boot track to Tyler Peak is completely snow free. The only significant snow was between Peak B (Point 6059) up to and around Point 6537 (only minor post holing, left the snowshoes at home). Intermittent snow patches while descending the Point 6537 south eastern ridge crest to intersect the trail at ~5500’.
A convivial lunch break on Baldy’s summit was afforded by calm winds, bare ground, and no views of any kind (just a few momentary brightenings towards the sun ;):
An ulterior motive of this trip was to validate an approach to eliminate ~2 miles of trail travel (it worked great with intermittent game trails and minimal brush):
This shortcut follows the ridge crest just south of Mueller Creek between ~2500’ and ~3200’. We did the traverse counter clockwise, ascending the Tyler Peak Way Trail, descending the Upper Maynard Burn Trail, and using the shortcut both directions. One benefit of the counter clockwise direction was negotiating the Mueller Creek crossing when folks were fresh. A great workout at ~13 miles, and ~5000’ with a total time of 8 hours (ascent to Tyler 3 hours, 2 hours over to Baldy, 3 hours for the descent). Photos from this and other trips to this venue can be seen here.