Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Anvil Rock

Our group of 7 climbers/scramblers set out for Camp Muir at 9:00 AM along with about 500+ others who wanted a day in the sun.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Snow once you leave the parking lot. 

We were on snow from the parking lot, some opted for snowshoes on the way up once on the Muir snowfield.  Our patient and persistent group made it to Camp Muir and we stopped at Anvil Rock on the descent.  We were treated to quite a few nice glissades on the way down.  The weather was fabulous and we were fortunate to have a very competent assistant leader on the trip that was a great help to this leader.  It is nice to have  reminder of what an S-5 scramble is like.