Steilacoom to Titlow Beach

Sea Kayak between Steilacoom and Titlow Beach in South Puget Sound. Paddle from protected waters at Chambers Creek Dam or explore the Toliva Shoal Marine Preserve.

launch points

  • Titlow Park
  • Chambers Creek Dam
  • Steilacoom Ferry. Parking at the ferry terminal parking area that accepts only credit cards. Restrooms available inside the passenger building. The boat ramp is adjacent to the building.
  • Sunnyside Beach in Steilacoom.  This launch has a long carry from the parking area to the launch site. It's a 7.5 nm trip.
  • Salters Point Park in Steilacoom. This launch has very limited parking and a steep stairway to the beach. It's  a 7 nm trip.

on the water

Chambers Creek to Titlow Beach

10.0 nm round trip, Difficulty: Sea Kayak II/III

Launch by the dam and paddle down the creek and into Puget Sound. From there, paddle north to Titlow Beach. Sea kayak from a tide dependent, protected entrance to Puget Sound north of Steilacoom. Launch by the dam and paddle down the creek and into Puget Sound and from there, paddle north to Titlow Beach.

Toliva Shoal

A marine preserve marked by a buoy just south of Fox Island that is accessible from Titlow Beach, Chambers Bay, and Steilacoom. The area is free of fishing boats and experiences conditions from flat to dynamic water depending on the wind and current conditions.


  • Difficulty: Sea Kayak II/III
  • Length: 10.0 nm
  • Land Manager: Land Manager Varies
  • Parking Permit Required: see Land Manager
  • Recommended Party Size: 12
  • Maximum Party Size: 12
  • Maximum Route/Place Capacity: 12
  • NOAA Puget Sound: Southern Part No. 18448
  • MapTech Puget Sound Chart No. 100
Trip Reports

This is a list of titles that represent the variations of trips you can take at this route/place. This includes side trips, extensions and peak combinations. Not seeing a title that fits your trip? Log in and send us updates, images, or resources.

  • Chambers Creek Dam to Titlow Beach
  • Chambers Creek to Toliva Shoal
  • Steilacoom to Toliva Shoal
  • Titlow Beach to Toliva Shoal
  • Toliva Shoal
  • Titlow Beach to Steilacoom
  • Steilacoom to Titlow Beach

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