Images FromCamp1.jpg FromCamp2.jpg OnApproach1.jpg Climb1.jpg OnExit.jpg Marty with Esmerelda adn Rainier.jpg water stop 1 in meadowns with view of Stuart.jpg Heading up from the lake on snow.jpg snow up to dog tooth.jpg Transition from snow to scree below dog tooth.jpg Marty adds webbing to rappel station below PD.jpg Slab scrambling down to lake.jpg Water stop on return.jpg Alpine Spring Beauty.jpg Shooting star.jpg Rena and andrew and the dog tooth.jpg IMG_0033.jpg 0E5EF417-EA1D-4797-B8B7-08B99E1063FB.jpg IMG_0815.jpg IMG_20190914_083142.jpg Previous 20 items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next 20 items
Images FromCamp1.jpg FromCamp2.jpg OnApproach1.jpg Climb1.jpg OnExit.jpg Marty with Esmerelda adn Rainier.jpg water stop 1 in meadowns with view of Stuart.jpg Heading up from the lake on snow.jpg snow up to dog tooth.jpg Transition from snow to scree below dog tooth.jpg Marty adds webbing to rappel station below PD.jpg Slab scrambling down to lake.jpg Water stop on return.jpg Alpine Spring Beauty.jpg Shooting star.jpg Rena and andrew and the dog tooth.jpg IMG_0033.jpg 0E5EF417-EA1D-4797-B8B7-08B99E1063FB.jpg IMG_0815.jpg IMG_20190914_083142.jpg Previous 20 items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next 20 items