Downtown Bellevue
Downtown Bellevue is a dynamic area that includes a large business district, arts, shopping, and parks. Exploring on foot offers a way to take it all in. Places to visit include: The Bellevue Collection, Bellevue Library, Bellevue City Hall, Bellevue Arts Museum, Link Light Rail Station, Old Bellevue, Meydenbauer Park, and Downtown Bellevue Park.
- Suitable Activities: Urban Walking, Urban Adventure
- Seasons: Year-round
- Weather: View weather forecast
- Difficulty: Easy
- Land Manager: City of Bellevue
- Parking Permit Required: None
- Recommended Party Size: 12
- Maximum Party Size: 12
- Maximum Route/Place Capacity: 12
- Bellevue City Map
This is a list of titles that represent the variations of trips you can take at this route/place. This includes side trips, extensions and peak combinations. Not seeing a title that fits your trip? Log in and send us updates, images, or resources.
- Downtown Bellevue Park
- Meydenbauer Park
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