Dottie Harper Park
Next to the Burien Community Center, this is a 3.5 acre wooded park provides a quiet place for strolling, picnicking, and wildlife viewing.
About the park
Next to the Burien Community Center, this city park is home to second-growth firs, cedars, hemlocks, and native hardwoods. Sword ferns, salal, snowberry, oceanspray, red elderberry, Oregon grape, and other native species dominate the undergrowth.
- A remodeled playground
- Picnic space
- Amphitheater
- Walking trails
- Suitable Activities: Urban Adventure
- Seasons: Year-round
- Weather: View weather forecast
- Land Manager: City of Burien Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
- Parking Permit Required: None
- Recommended Party Size: 12
- Maximum Party Size: 12
- Maximum Route/Place Capacity: 12
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