Naches, Yakima & Seymour Peaks

Naches, Yakima and Seymour peaks can be scrambled individually, in pairs or lumped together for a longer day.

approach & Ascent

Naches Peak

Alternative 1:
Hike the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) south from SR 410 to the South Ridge. Ascend the South Ridge to the summit. There are some exposed, challenging moves near the summit that make this a Strenuous 2, Technical 5 scramble of 3 miles round trip and 1,000 feet of elevation gain.

Alternative 2: From SR 410, ascend the North Ridge staying on it's west side to a boot track that leads to the summit. This is a scramble of 2 miles round trip and 1,000 feet of elevation gain.

Yakima Peak

From SR 410, hike up grassy slopes and then ascend west up a gully. At the top of the gully, take the ridge to the southwest (left) to the summit. With mostly Class 2 and some Class 3, this is a Strenuous 2, Technical 2 scramble of 2 miles round trip and 800 feet of elevation gain.


Take the PCT south to Dewey Lake. From the lake head south on elk trails ascending easy, open meadows to the Dewey-Seymour saddle. Run the ridge west to the summit. Summit elevation 6,337 ft.


Mosquitos can be horrible at Dewey Lake.

  • Difficulty: Strenuous 2, Technical 5
  • Length: 8.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 2,700 ft
  • 6,452 ft
  • Land Manager: Mount Rainier National Park
    William O Douglas Wilderness
  • Parking Permit Required: National Park Entrance Fee
  • Recommended Party Size: 10
  • Maximum Party Size: 12
  • Maximum Route/Place Capacity: 12
  • USGS Chinook Pass
  • Trails Illustrated Mount Rainier National Park
  • Green Trails Mount Rainier Wonderland No. 269SX
Trip Reports

This is a list of titles that represent the variations of trips you can take at this route/place. This includes side trips, extensions and peak combinations. Not seeing a title that fits your trip? Log in and send us updates, images, or resources.

  • Naches Peak
  • Seymour Peak
  • Yakima Peak
  • Naches & Seymour Peaks
  • Naches & Yakima Peaks
  • Seymour & Yakima Peaks
  • Naches & Tahtlum Peaks

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