Hyak Lake, Nordic Pass, Windy Pass & Mount Catherine


Winter Scramble - Hyak Lake, Nordic Pass, Windy Pass & Mount Catherine

Attempt at Mt Catherine beginning at the Silver Fir Lodge via Nordic Pass

  • Fri, Mar 6, 2020
  • Seattle Alpine Scrambling Subcommittee - Winter Scrambling
  • Scrambling
  • Adults
  • Technical 3, Strenuous 2, Winter Scramble, Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 9.25 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 2,395 ft

Beginning from the Silver Fir Lodge, we will first work our to Nordic Pass, and then aim to follow the West Ridge of Catherine to the summit. At this point, I am unclear as to how much trail breaking will be required to get us to Nordic Pass. We will work to share details of navigation and trail breaking as a group. From Nordic Pass, we will carefully assess current conditions and see what we find. As with all winter trips, destination and specifics of trip may change given conditions found. Please bring a good attitude and your best team spirit.

Tibbetts lot south of Issaquah Transit Center 6:30am


Hyak Lake, Nordic Pass, Windy Pass & Mount Catherine

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Check with leader for any additional group gear or required equipment specific to trip location

Trip Reports