Exit 38


Top Rope Rock Climb - Exit 38/Far Side Crags

Take advantage of the longer days with some afterwork cragging

  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 2.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 900 ft
  • Pace: 2 mph

4:00 PM meeting, 4:05 PM walking. Dirty Harry's Balcony trailhead parking lot
Dirty Harry's Balcony - Trailhead - Google Maps

If you're already on the roster for one of my other afterwork cragging trips, please DO NOT sign up for a second one. I want to give other people an opportunity. If the trip is less than 2 weeks away and there are still spots feel free to jump on, otherwise please hold off.

Of course, dependent on dry weather. If we've had dry weather for a bit we'll go to Gritscone, if it has only been dry for a day we'll go to Headlight Point or somewhere else that dries faster. Single pitch cragging, starting with easier stuff in the 5.6-5.8 range to get back into the feel of outdoor climbing after a winter on plastic.

Please be in decent hiking shape, it's about a mile up to the crags and we'll be moving with few if any breaks in order to have enough time to get in climbing before it gets dark. If you aren't comfortable walking uphill for an hour with your climbing gear without any long breaks, consider waiting for a weekend trip with less time pressure.

IMPORTANT: We'll be climbing until it is dark and hiking back through the forest after dark, bring a HEADLAMP.

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Harness, belay device, personal anchor, rock shoes. HEADLAMP

Trip Reports