Sea Kayak - Tacoma Narrows


Sea Kayak - Tacoma Narrows

Student paddle with preference for Olympia BSKC students. One way with a shuttle and you must provide your boat. Immersion wear required.

  • Sea Kayak II
  • Casual
  • Mileage: 7.0 nm
  • Maximum Wind: 10 kts
  • Maximum Waves: 1 ft
  • Maximum Currents: 3.0 kts

TBA with leader permission. 

We will need to arrange a shuttle before the paddle.  We will ride the dying ebb and approach the bridge at slack with little or no currents.  Students will have a chance to spend time practicing boat handling skills, working with the changing currents and recoveries as time allows.  We will also make side trips to Chambers Creek and Day Island Marina before proceeding on to the take out at Titlow Beach.


Tacoma Narrows

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

These three essentials plus The Ten Essentials are required on all sea kayaking trips.  All but the whistle and clothing should be provided with any kayak rental.

  1. U.S. Coast Guard approved Personal Flotation Device (PFD)
  2. Paddle
  3. Appropriate clothing for the conditions encountered seasonally
Trip Reports