Snoqualmie Valley Trail


Naturalist Trip - Stillwater Natural Area

*This is a Mentored Leader trip for a new Naturalist leader.* Come join us for a fun Friday morning outing in search of resident birds, as well as possible early spring migrants.

  • Easy
  • Casual
  • Mileage: 2.5 mi
  • Pace: 0.5-1 mph

We will meet at 7:30am in the  parking lot. The parking lot entrance is located 0.2mi past the Stillwater Store when heading north on SR203 from Carnation.

We will spend approximately 3 hours walking at a leisurely pace to view and identify birds. The goal will be to have fun and share knowledge and skills as a group to help everyone get the most out of our time together. Birders of all levels are welcome and encouraged to participate!

Bring binoculars, as well as either a bird ID book or a birding app (such as Merlin) to aid in identification. 

What to expect onsite:

  • Spring time may bring rain, mud, and puddles- please be prepared with appropriate footwear, as well as clothing layers for varying weather conditions.
  • There are no toilets available at this location, so be sure to use nearby facilities before arriving.
  • We will be utilizing a path that is also used by cyclists and runners, so we will need to need to mindful of this as we move about as a group.
  • A Discover Pass is required for parking. 

Snoqualmie Valley Trail

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

The Ten Essentials

  • Navigation
  • Headlamp
  • Sun protection
  • First aid
  • Knife
  • Fire
  • Shelter
  • Extra food
  • Extra water
  • Extra clothes
Trip Reports