Intermediate Snowshoe - Olallie Lake


Intermediate Snowshoe - Olallie Lake

Snowshoe overnight to an alpine lake

  • Sat, Feb 2, 2019 — Sun, Feb 3, 2019
  • Seattle Snowshoeing Committee
  • Snowshoeing
  • Intermediate
  • Adults
  • Moderate, Moderate/Strenuous
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 12.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 2,600 ft

Carpool meetup at the Issaquah Transit Center, 8am Saturday

Please note that this is an overnight trip!  

We will be snowhoeing in to Olallie Lake from the Pratt Lake TH.  It's a nice gentle climb of 1900 feet over 4 miles.  We will arrive at Olallie Lake, and find a nice spot to set up our camp.  We'll hike out in the morning, impressing all of the inbound snowshoers with our stoutheartedness and derring-do.

This is planned as a tent camping trip.  I'm not counting on there being enough snow for snow caves, but if you want to try your hand at a snow shelter (such as a trench shelter), there will be plenty of time to construct.

Shelter and gear sharing is encouraged, though not required.  

Winter Camping course graduation is encouraged, though not required.  Please, though, be certain that your experience level and equipment support staying out for the night.


Talapus Lake Trail

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Trip Reports