Cabin Creek


Cross-country Ski - Cabin Creek

Priority given to Everett Nordic Ski Class students. Practice your uphills and downhills on the Viking Trail.

  • G-XC Groomed Varies, G-XC 2 Advanced Beginner Groomed
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 7.4 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 872 ft

We will do the Viking Loop twice, which gives good practice on groomed hills to practice uphill and downhill techniques. 

Leader's permission required. Priority to the students in the Everett Nordic Ski Class until February 12. From February 12 onwards, anyone with the XC Ski Course badge or anyone enrolled in another nordic ski class may register. If you don't have the ski badge and are not currently enrolled in a course, please fill out the "Leader's permission" form with a description of your prior cross-country ski experience. This trip is not suitable for first-time cross-country skiers.

You can find a map of the ski area here:

Where: meet up at the Cabin Creek parking lot

Take Exit 63 off of I-90 and park at Cabin Creek Sno-Park on the south side of I-90

Date: Sunday, February 18

Time: 7:30AM

You need a Washington Sno-park pass for parking. If you need to purchase a day pass, you can do so here:

Please check WSDOT road conditions before you leave:


Cabin Creek

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Trip Reports