Backpack - White Road


Backpack - White Road

Starting at White Road Sno-Park, snowshoe up the road just under a mile and then leave it to circle around east, north, and northwest to Sand Lake, where we'll camp for the night. Return the next day.

  • Sat, Feb 17, 2024 — Sun, Feb 18, 2024
  • Olympia Snowshoe Committee
  • Backpacking, Snowshoeing
  • Basic
  • Adults
  • U-XC 1 Beginner Ungroomed, Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 7.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 1,200 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 5,300 ft
  • Pace: 1 mph

The While Road Sno-Park is along the road to the White Pass Maintenance Shed and is not an official Sno-Park, so no permit is required. Turn left onto FS 1284, 0.75 miles before or west of White Pass, and park on the left in the cleared area. Meeting time will be communicated to the participants before the trip.

This is a moderate snowshoe, with about 1000’ of gain over three miles. Our route, once we leave the road, will be off trail, giving us a feel of winter navigation. We’ll also see how much easier it is to move through the woods without brush and downed trees, all under the snow. Lots of nice camping at the end of the day. Bring a tent as a snow cave is impractical here. A map of the area and the route is available here:

 When requesting permission to register, please tell me about your snowshoe and winter camping experience and gear (shelter, sleep system, cooking system, and clothing) you’ll bring in order to stay safe.

We’ll carry out all of our waste, so bring a system for that (blue bag, WAG bag, or homemade). Also, bring a shovel for preparing your tent site and building a communal kitchen.

This is a pretty area and is crossed by the Pacific Crest Trail. There are several clearings and small lakes and even a three-sided shelter at Sand Lake. There is no avalanche terrain along our route; the only nearby slope is heavily forested and we’ll give it room.


White Road

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

The Ten Essentials plus overnight gear which may include:

  • Snowshoes and poles
  • Tent - Four or solid three-season design
  • Shovel
  • Stove with a pot large enough to melt snow
  • Fuel - *at least* double what you'd bring in summer, to melt snow
  • Sleeping bag - winter weight
  • Sleeping pad - inflatable and insulated
  • Stuff sack and cord for hanging food
  • Toilet paper and means to carry out your solid waste
  • Lots of warm clothes
Trip Reports